Our idea & who we are

Our mission is reach a positive impact of technology in everyday life and at the workplace. We help you to identify the necessary requirement for putting technology into place in your organization.

We are a collective who is actively working in applied research on designing, evaluating, and deploying technology in contexts of care and healthcare in Austria, Germany, Luxembourg, and East Asia. We use scientific methods of informatics, social sciences, psychology, and human-computer interaction, which gives us a broad range of tools which we are eager to apply to your specific context. We use the necessary tools to best support you when introducing new technology in your organization, or to deliver useful information around technology in care and healthcare settings.

What we offer



Would you like to learn more about the topic of social robots and technology use in healthcare? We offer lectures based on our scientific expertise. The aim of the lectures is to present the current state of science in an easily digestible way. For each lecture, we create a connection to the current topic of the event and look for common ground.

Consulting on Assistive Technologies in your Organization

Whether and how assistive technologies can be used in a meaningful way remains a decision that companies and health insurers should weigh on a case-by-case basis. There is scientific evidence that sees a meaningful use of social robots, but this is limited. We accompany such decision-making processes advising where and how a deployment makes sense. In doing so, we build on our many years of experience with the technologies, whose use we have researched in various contexts, and address your individual needs.

Change Management Processes

The use of robotic systems and assistive technology is promising, but in the past technology was often bought at a high price and then ended up in the storeroom. Research has shown that when introducing technology, it is important to have a holistic picture of the organization and the people involved in it. The technology should be adapted to existing organizational cultures and the needs of different stakeholders. Where necessary, users must be taught new skills and given room to learn. We provide step-by-step support for the successful introduction of technology into your organization.




    Continuing Education for Caregivers/Seniors/Stakeholders

    Social robots are a relatively new technology that is only slowly making its way into our world. We have been researching how such robots can be integrated into everyday work and how employees can learn how to use them. The idea is for social robots to become a tool for employees to create a relief for them. To make this clear, we offer further training courses that prepare employees to use a robot.

    Workshops at Schools

    Digital literacy and knowledge transfer in robotics is also essential in education. We offer interactive workshops at schools to communicate complex research results in a simply explained way. This is intended to improve access to digital transformation for children, young people and adults.



      Support of Research Proposals

      More and more public funds are flowing into the digital transformation and support companies and institutions in these processes. Public tenders often follow their own logic and several factors have to be considered. For example, the right structure, the right wording as well as to tie in neatly with current trends and build on existing projects. We offer consulting and hands-on support in conceptualizing, planning and submitting applications. In doing so, we build on several years of expertise.


      Feasibility studies, Case Analyses

      Experience with the use of social robots in nursing homes exists mainly only on an experimental basis and has been implemented in research projects so far. We have conducted such research projects and published about them. We bring in the experience gained in these projects to measure for a nursing home individually and evidence-based, how social robots can be introduced, which groups of people should be involved for this and which costs and time resources are necessary for this. Together with you we create a roadmap, also in terms of change management, how social robots can be introduced for long-term use.

      Contact us

      Reach out to us to start a conversation!
